Already as a teenager I set up projects with friends and mutuals from all around the world. I illustrated for music videos, participated in drawing challenges and learned early on how to turn other people’s visions into reality.
It all started out with still images and plain text, now it’s kinetic typography, motion graphics and hand-drawn animations. Coming from the Vocal Synthesizer community on YouTube, I’ve worked with music producers and creatives on several videos.
With Red Balloon being the first fully 2D animated film I made, I continue my newfound passion by creating animatics for songs, looping animation GIFs and more.
For Hunington-P’s song Drinks, I illustrated more than 10 images and animated the music video in After Effects.
Mixing up the charm of classic lyric videos of the Vocal Synth fandom, a juicy color palette and anime style.
Für Dävids Rückblick auf seine Spendenaktion 2022 illustrierte ich über 25 Bilder zur Untermalung seiner Worte.
For Dävid’s retrospect onto his fundraiser in 2022, I illustrated more than 25 images to emphasize his words.